Sunday 7 February 2010

Sean Hadley working with Kenny Smith

Sean Hadley is now in contact with Kenny Smith. Kenny Smith was linked to the group, and the individual within the group, i.e. partner of Sadie Graham who leaked the BNP membership list in order to attack BNP members.

The connection between the two became increasingly suspicious when Griffin Watch was leaking information directly linked back to Kenny Smith.

Kenny Smith was also found to be behind the leak of accounts.

The fact that these two individuals are working close together is an indication of the increase in activity by anti-BNP campaigners.


Toodle said...

Is this the bloke behind 'ex BNP members truth' site? Not surprised that Hadley is associating with it. Peas in a pod.

Exposing Hadley said...

Kenny did indeed have access to accounts. The BNP have evidence of the leak and Kenny is very much involved.