Friday 26 February 2010

Does Sean Hadley hinder genuine criticism of the BNP?

As you will notice, we have a new poll:

Does Sean Hadley hinder genuine criticism of the BNP?

It will be interesting to see how voting develops. There are decent nationalists who do not agree with the BNP's direction or strategy, and they are of course entitled to their opinions. Exposing Hadley shares some of their concerns.

However, we find it sad that good nationalists pander to the anti-BNP campaigner Sean Hadley.

Sean Hadley is an unknown figure in nationalism, but has littered the internet with wild and disgusting allegations against members of the BNP.

Hadley was involved in the leak of members details.

Hadley was involved in the leak of BNP accounts.

Hadley has direct connections with Kenny Smith, known troublemaker now expelled from the BNP. Kenny Smith was involved with Sadie Graham & Matt Single; the latter convicted for stealing and leaking the BNP membership list.

Sam Joyce - 15 years old and had underage sex with Sean Hadley

Sean Hadley had underage sex with a 15 year old girl. Samantha Joyce was the victim of this abuse.

Under UK law, consensual underage sex is illegal.

Eventually it is believed that Samantha had a baby with Sean Hadley, also related to Terrence Hadley, a man convicted and banned from associating with children after he asked a schoolgirl to take pictures of him in the nude, was caught with three young girls at his home.

Hadley has never made mention of his past on his blog Griffin Watch.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Griffin Watch does 'Caption Time' - Just like Lancaster UAF!

Anti-BNP campaigner Sean Hadley continues to mirror and help anti-BNP activists by mirroring the 'Caption Time' section on Lancaster UAF.

Hadley comments on his blog that it has been put up by request. Clearly lacking in the upstairs department and not realising that those who suggested it on his blog probably by anon are actually people who despise the BNP.

Sean Hadley, though lacking in intelligence continues to serve a plateful of malicious rumours against decent nationalists to Lancaster UAF.

Where once known anti-BNP organisations would travel to other websites, they now visit Griffin Watch for their fill of lies, malicious rumours and outright perversions.

Monday 22 February 2010

Embarrassing Sean Hadley Quote!

We read with utter embarrassment on Griffin Watch that Sean Hadley has taken to quoting 'himself'!

One one has to consider is this: Sean Hadley must have sat down at some point and decided to pen himself a quote.

This embarrassing post is further illustration of the meglomania tendencies of anti-BNP campaigner Sean Hadley.

We didn't spot the post, but a very polite Exposing Hadley reader left a private message alerting us to this latest humiliating post.

Quoting yourself is probably the best indicator of self-infatuation. Oh dear, oh dear...

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Poll Result - Can Nick Griffin become MP for Barking?

According to the Exposing Hadley poll results:

Yes - 80%
No - 13%
Undecided - 3%
Don't know - 3%

Interesting results displaying positivity within BNP ranks.

We wish the BNP the best of luck in the forthcoming elections.

Friday 12 February 2010

A well done to a decent thinking young nationalist

A very deserved "well done" to a very decent young nationalist.

We are very impressed by Kieren. It is heartwarming to see such talent within the ranks of young nationalism.

Again, well done Kieren!

Griffin Watch = Sean Hadley? Correct English? Please? Anyone?

One might be forgiven for thinking that Griffin Watch was not run by Sean Hadley if one read his recent post.

Strangely, Hadley refers to himself in the third person. Making outrageous comments about what 'Hadley' would and would not do, he sincerely seems to write as if Griffin Watch was something very distinct from Sean Hadley.

Sean Hadley is known to have had very recent communication with Kenny Smith. It is a very common fact known throughout the higher circles of Scotland BNP.

If anyone doubts this, please feel free to contact Gary Raikes, the excellent leader in Scotland.

Sadly for Sean Hadley, we have more sources than he does. His are fictitious, our sources are real! Kenny is his only real recent source.

The fact that a known anti-BNP campaigner like Sean Hadley would associate with a thief who was involved in the leaking of the BNP membership list risking members lives, is indicative of what a sick individual we are dealing with.

Hadley is down and more discredited day by day! We are happy that we have contributed to his downfall.

It remains sad that former decent BNP activists who have issues with the BNP continue to associate with this individual. Here at Exposing Hadley, we do not support everything the BNP does, or does not do, but we believe that associating with anti-BNP campaigners like Sean Hadley does no good at all!

Sunday 7 February 2010

Sean Hadley working with Kenny Smith

Sean Hadley is now in contact with Kenny Smith. Kenny Smith was linked to the group, and the individual within the group, i.e. partner of Sadie Graham who leaked the BNP membership list in order to attack BNP members.

The connection between the two became increasingly suspicious when Griffin Watch was leaking information directly linked back to Kenny Smith.

Kenny Smith was also found to be behind the leak of accounts.

The fact that these two individuals are working close together is an indication of the increase in activity by anti-BNP campaigners.