Saturday 16 January 2010

Nick Cass - Former Yorkshire Organiser - "Sean resigned because he didn't like Nick's Christmas message"

Sean Hadley once resigned from the BNP because Nick Griffin gave a BNPtv Christian Christmas Message on the BNP website.

Nick Cass revealed that Sean Hadley, (Anti-BNP campaigner) resigned because he did not agree with Nick Griffin's Christmas message broadcast on BNPtv.

Hadley, a pagan, thought it was wrong, and thus sent Nick Cass a barage of emails resigning and hurling abuse at the BNP.

Exposing Hadley finds it laughable that such a minor issue can spark a resignation. It is not uncommon for failed activists to seek a 'way out' of the BNP with their dignity intact, and thus they fabricate offence at some minor issue, rather than simply doing the decent thing, and simply explaining that they do not have the interest or time anymore.


Kirklees BNP said...

Ask Andy Kershaw if anyone doesn't believe this, or even better, ask Nick Cass.

Curious said...

Are you from VNN?

Exposing Hadley said...

No. We have nothing to do with any blog that harms British Nationalism.

Barnsley BNP said...

I think the verdict on Hadley is out, absolute proven anti-BNP campaigner.