Tuesday 1 December 2009

Why he really left the BNP?

Well, it seems not everything is as clear cut as we once thought with old Sicko Hadley.

Here is a list of possibles?

1) He left because he hated Nick Griffin?
2) He left because he didn't like the BNP?
3) He left because he was regarded as a usless organiser by Sadie Graham?

Number 3? You would be right. We don't reveal our leaks, but here is a nice quote from a nice email from Sadie whilst Group Development Officer:

"Ok, no problem. Scunthorpe is dead. Nobody is getting anything going there. Sean is a wierdo and has never lifted a finger for his area". Sadie Graham email transcript

Oh dear, oh dear. And this is the man who criticizes the BNP? When you life a finger for the party, actually, scrap that, when you life a finger for your ex-wife and kid then you can talk pervert!

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