"I know who you fucking are and i am going to fucking kill you. I am not the type of person you mess with you retard. Close this stupid lying blog or i will kill you...".
Death threats are not very nice. We have captured his IP address, and we will of course be reporting this to the police.
Report him to the police.
We intend to.
Looks like he doesn't like a taste of his own medicine.
Sorry, i am lost. Who the hell is Hadley? I have been involved in nationalism for over 20 years and i have never heard of him? Is this a hoax site?
If you don't know him, perhaps that is your blessing. It does not suprise me. Hadley came on the scene a year or so ago, but began making a lot of trouble for the BNP.
He was recently outed as something of a pervert, (ask Emma Colgate) and has begun a campaign of targeting BNP members with lies and malicious rumours. My advice to you is not to come back on this site if you don't know who Hadley and simply not to concern yourself with someone as insignificant as Hadley.
Same here, the only way that I have been made aware that Hadley was ever involved in the nationalist cause is through such sites as yours, I have been reading his griffinwatch blog for a while now and as someone who has no reason to get involved either way with his gripes I am 100% positive that he is working to an agenda... and that agenda is not his own.
Hadley is working for and on behalf of State.
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